Brother Adam who will be for the posterity,
The XXth Century’s Beekeeper,
died near Buckfast Abbey on September 1st 1996, aged 98.
He was unsurpassed as a breeder of bees. He talked to them, he stroked them. He brought to the hives a calmness that, according to those who saw him at work, the sensitive bees responded to.
(The Economist, Sept. 14th 1996)
His opinion about Bees and Beekeeping was very circumspect :
While it (the bee) possesses a marvelous adaptation’s ability, one can not disregard with impunity nor its really magnificent organisation, nor its immutable instinct.
One of the beekeeper’s very first tasks must be the study of bee behaviour and the adaptation of himself if he wishes for success.
To be successful a method must contiuously be adapted to climate’s conditions and honey flows, and of course to the peculiarity of the bee itself.
(Extract of the Avant-propos and the beginning of the French edition of Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey)
Last update: Tuesday 24 August 1999 (thanking Peter Hutton for his spelling aid)
Each adding, correction and remarks are welcome to