Homage to Brother Adam

Multilingual homage to Brother Adam, brilliant beekeeper and advanced bee breeder for more than 70 years. Set up an original beekeeping method and created after about 40 years in search through the whole Old World and Afrika, a new line of honeybees: the Buckfast bee. Moreover it is a general data base for Brother Adam and the Buckfast bee.

Huldigung an

Bruder ADAM

Homenaje al

Fraile ADÁN

Hommage au

Frère ADAM

Homenagem ao

Irmão ADAM

Le Frère Adam attend ses invités | Brother Adam waiting for his guests

© Photo Marcel Jacquet - May 1990


1898 - 1996

Non solum in memoriam sed in intentionem

Conception et réalisation française : Jean-Marie Van Dyck, Namur (Belgique)

Gratulationes :

English adaptation : Gustave Lambermont, Andenne (Belgium), proofread by David Morris (USA)

Adaptada al Español por Natalia González, León (España)

Adaptacao para o Portugues por Tarcila Lucena, São Paulo, (Brasil)

Deutsche Bearbeitung durch Rudolf E. Bahr, Remagen (Deutschland)

Nederlands versie : Madelon Willems, Bergen-op-Zoom (Nederland)

Each adding, corrections and comments are welcome to biblio@karlkehrle.org
Last update : Saturday 15 October 2005